I believe that media is _____important in my life.
I believe that media is not that important in my life because I don't really like to follow the trends that are going around. Also I never really have enough time to watch TV or be on the internet because I am never home to be affected by the media. As well I don't have cable or satellite so when I do watch TV I don't see commercials or see what companies are selling as 'cool'.
Question #2:
What types of media do you feel most passionate about?
I feel most passionate about books, movies and music. I feel passionate about books because I am literally in love with reading. Whenever I have free time I am usually reading and the first place I visit when I go to the mall is the bookstore because I am always looking for new books to read and build up my collection with. I feel passionate about movies because movies are one of the only things that are in my house to watch. At this moment I have over 1000 movies on my hard drive and I have watched almost all of them. Also I am in love with how movies are made and I love to learn about cool things that happened during the filming of these movies. As well I love to compare books to the movie adaptations of them. Like I will always go and see the movie the night that it comes out. Finally I feel passionate about music because music is everywhere. Music probably influences me the most because when I here a new song all I can think about is whether or not I can make a dance to it. Also if my dance teacher makes a dance to a song I like, I will remember the dance whenever I hear the song. As well music helps me concentrate when I am working and it helps me calm down before I fall asleep.

Question #3:
What are your thoughts on modern pop culture? I think that modern pop culture is a joke. I mean like sure some of the stuff is cool and people think that it is cool, but after a while all of it just becomes to much. Take for instance the One Direction craze. All you see everywhere is 1D stuff and not everyone is obsessed with this bad. To be honest I think that not as many people like this band as much as we think. Which also means that companies are only trying to supply things for those people who like 1D when other people may want things more easily available for the bands that they like.
Do you like some of the new technology that is helping us communicate in different ways? Personally I love the new technology that is out there for us to communicate because I have lots of family that is over seas just like other people and all of the things like Facebook and Instagram make it easier for me to stay in touch with them and see what is new in their lives on a daily basis. Also cellphones are another thing that I think helps us out as a whole because they make it easier to keep track and get a hold of you no matter where you are. Plus they make it easier to find out the latest news right when it happens.
What elements of pop culture do you dislike? What I dislike about pop culture is how everyone is trying to follow the trends just to seem cool. I think that people should just be how they want to be. I also hate how the media is always pushing the exact same things down your throat until you buy them or start doing that stuff. They will usually continue to force these trends until a new trend has come up then they force that on you and the cycle just continues to keep going and I don't think that it will ever end.
What do you use media for? I usually use the media to help me find new movies and books that are coming out because that is what I like to do and it helps me pick new things to read or watch. I also use it for some entertainment because some of the stuff I find funny. Like on Youtube I mainly watch talent videos and dance videos because I love to see the different types of talent that are out there.
Question #4:
Pick one form of media that you have a strong, passionate connection to? I have a strong, passionate connection to books. I love reading because I love to create how the story would look in my mind and I love to make them into my own little movies where no one else knows what they look like. I like to read books that are dystopias because I like to see how the author sees the future to be and how they make the stories their own with little twists that no body knows will happen. Like one of my most favourite books has to be either the Hunger Games trilogy or the Divergent trilogy because they have probably the most original plots I have ever read. Now I know you are probably thinking that these are the most cliché favourite books, but I do have to say they are cliché because they are amazing books and you can tell this from just how many copies it has sold worldwide. Books are such an important part of my life because it is one of the few things that I can connect to and love to do. Like a lot of people say they don't like to read and I think that it is such a disappointment because I feel that they are missing a lot when they say "oh well I'll just go see the movie." I think that people who say that are just abusing the authors work because it was the author who came up with the idea first and it is their ideas that are being put onto the screen, so I just think that it is rude when people don't read the books. Plus most movies end up missing a lot of stuff from the books which also makes me mad because they have that source right there that they can use.

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