Rick Grimes is a character from a comic book series and TV show series called The Walking Dead. Basically these series are about a post apocalyptic world where zombies have taken over and the humans that are still alive have to learn how survive in a world where they could turn into zombies or die completely at any moment. On top of trying to survive with zombies around them, they also have to survive with the threat that other humans are trying to kill you and that water, food, etc. can sometimes be very hard to come by.
The reason that I think Rick Grimes fits as a hero in our modern society is because he is a natural leader, even after waking up several months after the zombie apocalypse has started in the hospital. In every single episode and comic of the series you get to see Rick struggle with his own humanity as well as the humanity of everyone in his crew of his friends/family, but he always seems to be able to pull himself and his crew back together and ultimately do what needs to be done in the end. He's an ordinary man in a world that is falling apart and he is one of the only ones in the group with the ability to make it seem like everyone can survive in this impossible world.
Rick is a hero from our culture that fits our society's values because first of all he lives in a society that our society believes is what the near future is going to look like with the zombie apocalypse being the ultimate destroyer of today's society. Also he represents how I think a lot of people would act if they were put into a situation like this. Like in the first few seasons of The Walking Dead, he starts off being afraid to kill and lose the people that he cares about. He starts off living and reveling in his past and never moving forward, but as the seasons go on he starts to adjust to his surroundings and he ends up becoming the leader of his pack. He represents the values that most people nowadays have. Like he believes that his family comes first in all situations even if he has to kill some one to keep them safe. This represents us because most people would do anything for their families even if it means that they might have to kill someone for it. This is the ultimate reason why Rick Grimes can be seen as a a hero in modern society.